Constructed Fantasy Worlds

The Seven Swords of Vorin of Darkmere are possibly the most famous of Vorin’s creations. Though the majority of people who know of them think them simply part of the legend of Vorin, clues and evidence indicate that they possibly do exist.

The seven swords are named (Aelaan, Onires, Molor, Eridan, Belion, Falan, and Sorath), and each has enchantments unique to itself. Legend says that the swords were given as gifts by Vorin to various elven heroes, who each went their separate ways on individual quests. Legend also says that if two or more of the swords are brought within a certain proximity to each other the blades glow. If all seven swords are brought together, their enchantments react to the proximity and a powerful magic will be released. Details on what type of magic or whether the outcome would be a positive (good) or negative (bad) one remain sketchy.

There is an tavern in Koridan named after the swords, and the innkeeper Elgron claims to be the world’s foremost authority on the seven swords legend.

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